

St的历史. 约瑟的准备

1733: St. 约瑟夫教堂在旧城成立

1733年5月,牧师. 约瑟夫 Greaton, S.J. 买下了位于第三街和第四街之间以及核桃以南的房产,那里将成为费城第一座天主教堂的所在地. The climate for Catholics in Philadelphia was very intolerant at the time. 教堂建成后不久, Protestants complained to the Governor that this "Popish Chapel" was against the law of England. Fr. 格雷顿声称他有权拥有威廉·佩恩领导下的教堂,教堂被允许继续开放. 这是英语世界中唯一一个法律允许公众庆祝弥撒的地方. 这座教堂是献给圣. 约瑟夫,神圣家族的守护者. 圣. 约瑟夫预备学校 derives directly from St. 约瑟的教堂.

1851: St. 约瑟夫's Prep Opens as Part of Saint 约瑟的大学

St. 约瑟夫预备学校 grew out of a small church created by Rev. 约瑟夫 Greaton, S.J. 1733年在市中心. 随着城市和教区的发展, 马里兰州的耶稣会士决定创建圣约瑟夫学院,并设有预备部门为公众服务.

1851年9月15日,95名学生向罗斯福总统致敬. Felix Barbelin, the first school’s first President, for their first day of class. The order of the day for these early students was very detailed. All had Mass at 8 am and classes began at 8:30 am, most likely in Latin or Greek. 上午10点25分数学课开始了. 午餐时间, 学生们被要求在下午2点之前返回教室,因为他们中的许多人要去很远的地方吃午饭. 下午,学生们上德语、法语和古典文学课,直到下午5点放学. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons there was no school. 教理问答课是在星期三和星期六下午. 周一,学生们要出示自己所在教堂的门票,证明他们周六去了忏悔.

There were strict regulations that the students had to follow as members of the St. 约瑟的社区. The students were to be polite with their teachers and friendly with their classmates. The regulations stressed neatness and directed the students in their hair styles, 衣服, 以及他们办公桌的状态. There were strict rules about silence in the chapel, classrooms, and hallways. 学生们知道他们下课后要直接回家,不能在附近玩耍. 他们还被告知,学习时间为每天晚上6点至8点,早上6点至7点,然后到达学校.

是不是新的地点, the sudden drop in immigration in 1854 as the effects of the Irish potato famine lessened, or the collapse of the economy following the 1857 Panic, the College/Prep attendance dropped significantly. 新楼的偿债负担如此之大,以至于从1861年到1889年,学院部门停止了运作,但预备部门以某种形式继续运作.


1876年,现在的圣. Joe’s Prep was open country that was near the Centennial Exposition in Fairmount Park, which celebrated the country’s 100th year of independence. 为了百年博览会, the old wooden bridge at 吉拉尔 Avenue was replaced with a new steel one, which subsequently led to the development of the 吉拉尔 Area. 大约在这个时候, 马里兰州的耶稣会士正在计划在城市的一个更有利于经营学院的地方建立另一个教区. 吉拉德地区似乎是一个自然的地方,因为它是一个繁荣的郊区,有吉拉德学院, 东部州立监狱, 一个医院, 还有一个水库. Fr. Barbelin在17街和18街之间找到了一个未开发的街区,南北与汤普森街和斯泰尔斯街相连. Because of its high water table no one else had built there. 而店主想要一个虚高的60美元的价格,他最终以45美元和解,000, 交易于11月20日完成, 1866.

In 1868, just as the existing College at Willings Alley was fading to 60 students, Rev. 伯查德·维利格,S.J. took up residence in North Philadelphia to begin the building of a parish, 在吉拉德大道附近有一所初中和一所大学.

原来的建筑在地下室有一个小教堂和教室,后面有一个耶稣会的住所. 地下室于1873年完工,小学班级以及希腊语和拉丁语组成了所谓的St. 约瑟的大学. 起初,这个教区被称为新圣. 约瑟夫’s, but this was very confusing, so the name was changed to Holy Family Church.

这个建筑群在1879年完成后不久,就开始了后来被称为耶稣教堂的工作. Fr. 维利格的智慧并不总是显而易见的,因为耶稣教堂对一个新教区来说是一项巨大的事业, burdened with debt from the land purchase and the $30,斯泰尔斯街的那幢楼. A shortage of funds as well as design and construction problems slowed its completion. 弗朗西斯·德雷塞尔,圣. 凯瑟琳·德雷克塞尔, 1885年去世,留给圣约瑟夫学院72美元,000, 解决了“学院”的一个问题. 1888年10月8日. 维利格在新耶稣教堂的盛况和脚手架中庆祝他加入耶稣会50周年. This great new church did not command the view of 吉拉尔 Avenue that it does today. St. Matthews Episcopal church occupied the corner of 18th and 吉拉尔. The original interior of the church was painted white, 大概是出于成本的原因, 光与味.


从德雷塞尔的资金中摆脱了主要债务,圣. 约瑟夫又开始积极招募学生了, in the building just vacated by the parish when it moved to the other end of the block. 在学院复兴的第一年,300名申请者中只有不到80人被允许开始上课. The number of applicants were no doubt bolstered by the decision not to charge any tuition. Besides the desire to provide an education for all students without regard to income, the school also faced the hostility of City government, 如果它不是一个完全的慈善机构,它会对学校财产征税吗.

耶稣堂区支持管理学院的耶稣会士,快速增长使学院的学生人数达到25人,1893年预科学校的学生人数达到144人. The original structure became inadequate, but had been designed for future expansion. A corner building was built in front of the old Holy Family Church, 老教堂的屋顶被抬高,以便在上层设置礼堂,在下层沿斯泰尔斯街设置办公室. 教室一直延伸到第17街. 这座新建筑在1899年可容纳280名学生. 这是一个足够大的数字,开始计划分离学院部门和预备部门.

就像1914年欧洲爆发战争一样, the Jesuits were moving into their new residence at the corner of 18th and Thompson. 一旦完成, 斯泰尔斯街的老住宅, 与耶稣相邻, 被改成了教堂和教室, but the major addition was the huge 60 by 30 foot third floor gym. 学生人数的增长提供了动力,以完成建筑在1923年的Villiger大厅为学院部门. 汤普森街大楼的封闭式屋顶提供了额外的运动空间,即使建筑物覆盖了可用的地面. 汤普森街大楼也认识到实验室科学在学生实验实验室中的重要性. The 17th Street building with its two towers had classrooms and the fabled marble stairway.

1927年:学院搬到城市线大道.; The Prep Takes Over North Philly Campus

Even with all the extra space, the College division continued plans to move to City Line Avenue. 一旦搬迁完成,预科学校将占据原街区的所有学校建筑. The transition to two distinct institutions began in 1890 and was completed in 1927.

到了20世纪20年代, the Prep had taken on many of the characteristics of a modern high school, 包括强大的足球传统. 在20世纪二三十年代, the Prep won nine Catholic League Football Championships, including 6 under the legendary coach “Ank” Scanlon.尽管经济大萧条, 就在他们分开两年后, the Prep’s student population almost doubled from 464 in 1927 to 735 by 1939. This occurred despite the tuition increase to $150 per year. The separation of the College and its Preparatory department, 学生人数的快速增长意味着教师人数的增加需要超过耶稣会马里兰州的力量才能跟上步伐. Soon there were 14 lay 教师 teaching along with the 12 Jesuits at the school.


On a cold, blustery night in January the history of St. 约瑟夫的预科学校突然变了. A fire broke out at 5:20am in the basement of the Stiles Street building. 火灾可能是由电气故障引起的,起初消防队员以为火势已经控制住了. 然而, 很快,大火失去了控制,变成了8个警报,200名消防员在灭火. 大火迅速吞没了大楼,冰冷的空气把消防员的水变成了冰. Half of the block was a total loss and so dangerous that demolition was begun immediately. The Prep’s hallmark marble staircase was snowcoated and icicles hung from the ceilings.

幸运的是, the Jesuits rushed to the Thompson Street building and closed the fire doors, 挽救了现在的耶稣学校以及校长办公室里的重要记录和文件. 在凯利菲尔德豪斯(Kelly Fieldhouse)外立面旁边的耶稣学校(jesu school)大楼的灰泥下,那些门仍然清晰可见.

The fire razed two-thirds of the Prep building, but students were not out of class long. 尽管清理和拆除工作仍在继续, 火灾发生一周后,学校开始上课,利用汤普森街维利格大厅的每一平方英寸. 乐队在空水池里练习, the cafeteria and ends of hallways were converted to classrooms, and unused classrooms in the Gesu Convent were used for Prep classes. 不久,建一所新学校的计划开始了.

1968 - 69:重建

在火之前, the Prep had already begun acquiring land for outdoor athletic facilities and a plaza. Much of the area in front of the Prep was already owned by the school or the parish, so the fire changed the vision for the block between Stiles and 吉拉尔. There had been a great deal of discussion of moving to the suburbs, 但是去地铁很方便, 电车和通勤线路意味着预科学校不仅可以留下来为北费城的人们服务, 还有整个地区.

Construction began in May 1967, sixteen months after the fire. 新的现代预科花费了500万美元, 其中200万美元来自保险公司, and $2 million more raised through the generosity of alumni, 教师, 和朋友. The new building had a pool with a balcony and large windows to brighten it. 新的体育馆楼层(现在是肯尼迪-凯利大厅), (这里是排球队和田径队的预选赛场地),由成千上万的小钢板弹簧支撑在木梁上. 今天这里是多功能厅. 老房子里的大理石楼梯被埋在玻璃和石板门厅下面,以表明预科学校的实力.